Thursday, June 28, 2007

Parenthood Challenges

Since I'm a working mom there are things I don't get to do during the summer with my kids that I wish I could. Like going to the pool and teaching them to swim. That is something I want to do before this summer is up because it's going to fly by.

Another thing is teaching them to ride their bikes. The baby still doesn't have pedaling down. He understands the concept but he can't push the pedal down all the way enough for the other pedal to come up to push again.

My little girl understands pedaling but she can't ride her bike without training wheels yet. Something happened to her bike and the baby-sitter's husband had to take the wheels off so now she can't ride her bike.

Last night we had bike riding lessons. They recently made a sidewalk alongside our house so I took them both out after dinner. I held on to the back of my daughter's bike while she pedaled along. Then I pulled the baby along while he practiced pedaling. It was fun and we all got some exercise. I told them we're going to do this every evening until they learn to ride their bikes then I'll send my daughter's bike back to the sitter's.

These are the things you don't think about when you decide to be a working parent. These are just some of the challenges, along with reading to them every night, having my daughter read a few minutes herself, doing flash cards of the alphabet and numbers with the baby, and... well you get the picture.

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